Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Daily Mail

The Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is a tabloid newspaper owned by the Daily Mail and the General Trust. It has become the second most
selling newspaper in Britain today with a circulation of 1,222,611 and  has won Press of The Year numerous times.

Early History of the Daily Mail

 It has been a giant success since it was released on the 4th May 1896 where it w
as expected to release 100,000 copies but instead 397,000 were printed instead. This was also increased once again 3 years later to 500,000. One of the reasons for its success was because it cost a halfpenny, whereas other dailies in London cost a penny. As well as this, in its first year it broke new journalistic ground by having an emphasis on speed. This was completed using new technology (such as the telegraph) which allowed them to release stories quicker than their competitors.

Within a few years of release, its readers were over 1 million, making it the largest newspaper in the world. Because of this success, in 1900 it allowed the Daily Mail to start printing simultaneously in Manchester as well as London. At this time, a big emphasis was on aviation and new achievements in this craft. Because of this, in 1906, the Daily Mail started offering prices for achievements in this craft to pilots. The first one given was £10,000 for the First flight from London to Manchester. These rewards ended in 1930.

The Daily Mail Facts

A survey in 2014 found that the average age of its reader was 58 and that it had the lowest demographic for 15 to 44 year olds among all the major British dailies.

It has a majority female readership with woman making up 52-55% of its readers.

Its website has more than 100 million unique visitors per month

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