Monday, July 15, 2019

Researching the Target Audience - survey

Researching the Target Audience

For my survey, I had 28 usable responses with 15 being male and 13 being female. However, 70% of all of my answers were ranged between the 16-18 year old age group. On my survey, I let each of these pick multiple favourite genres of magazines to read.
The most popular genres which I found for males were: gaming, technology, music, film, and sports.
The most popular genres I found for females were: music, fashion, and gossip.

A surprising result I found was the interest of food and drink within both genders, meaning that this would be a good thing to include in my magazine to some extent.

The next question I asked was how much they read magazines, with about 85% of people answering "Never" or "Rarely". This implies that there isn't a big demand for magazines in my target audience. This could be due to the internet being very prevalent within this generation. This means that including plugs for social media could be beneficial to my newspaper.

Another question I asked in my survey was which part were they more likely to read/focus to. I expected main articles to be the most popular result, however the interest in puzzles was also noticeable. This implies that the most important thing for a good magazine is the main article's initial appeal to the reader.
I also found that noone said that they looked at small articles, advertising, and surveys. This implies that these have no appeal to an audience and therefore including them on the front cover would not be favorable to my target audience.

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